Beethoven once said, "Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life." To me this indicates that music is important to our very soul. When we listen to music we become connected to our spiritual selves. We are connected to a higher power. In my opinion this is because music is a part of human nature. Look at any society in the world and you will find that they play some sort of music. Music is a part of humanity. I doubt very much that you will find very many people who would tell you that they do not like any music. They may like different kinds of music than you do, but I do not think they hate it entirely. The result of this is that we like to incorporate music into the things we do. People listen to it in order to help them think, calm their mind, meditate, feel peace, pass the time, work, clean, and many other reasons. Music also ties to our emotions, and we use this in various ways. When we watch a movie, during a sad scene, sad music is often played. This helps add to the tragedy of the scene. Often we find ourselves crying. During a joyful scene, joyful music is played. During a patriotic scene, patriotic music is played. And so on. We use music to help affect our emotions, as well as to add to the enjoyment of the medium. We have done this with movies, TV shows, plays, audio books, and video games. In video games music often plays a very important role. The music of video games can be very epic, inspiring, and beautiful. It can make you feel happy, sad, patriotic, excited, as well as many other emotions. It adds to the enjoyment of the game play, the power of the story, and helps video games become classics.
Video game music has an amazing beauty and wonder. When listening to the music in games it is hard not to feel powerful emotions and to gain a sense of inspiration. I am sure this inspiration is what the people who created Video Games Live were feeling. Video Games Live is a concert dedicated to playing the beautiful music found in video games. This concert was created to show how wonderful video game music can be. Below are some links to video game music, both from Video Games Live and from the games themselves. Please, listen to some of them, and see how great they are.
Here, from Video Games Live, you can feel the wonder and excitement when listening to the music of Kingdom Hearts.
Here, from The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddessess, you can listen to the beauty of Zelda Music.
Here you can listen to the tragic music from Final Fantasy X, which helps tell the story of how a young woman was willing to give her life to save her people.
Or you can listen to the action music from Halo, which tells of a battle to save humanity.
You can listen to the patriotic music of Metal Gear.
Or the wondrous music from Fire Emblem (this version is sung in Latin.)
These are just of few examples of some of the amazing music from video games. Please, listen to some of it, and find the beauty of video game music yourself. It may have a powerful impact on your soul. It may inspire you. It may bring you enjoyment. But I think you will like it. For music is our connection to the spiritual. Music is a part of all people. Music is important to our lives. Without it, there is a major good that would not exist. The world needs music. For as Plato said, "Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, gaiety and life to everything. It is the essence of order and lends to all that is good and just and beautiful."
The games section right now sucks but it's about to get a boost thanks to native client. Star Legends, the MMO game for smartphones, will be the first such game.
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